Having a sufficient staff of medical representatives in many regions of Uzbekistan, our company allows each employee to realize and maximize their own potential in achieving their goals and personal economic success.
“Dietary supplements are not medicines, not a means of treating a disease, but a means of eliminating the causes that caused it. Therefore, their healing effect is comparable to the effect of pharmacological agents, and sometimes even exceeds it.
Biologically active supplements are not a panacea, but a real opportunity to almost instantly replenish the deficiency of vital nutrient complexes, which means to reduce the risk of most known diseases almost instantly.”
Medical device - Products that are used to diagnose, prevent or treat various diseases.
“At present, we know for sure that vitamins and minerals, which are in the body in the form of a single and indivisible vitamin-mineral complex (they are conditionally separated), are the most important components of those protein molecules in the body that are called enzymes and which control all processes ranging from mechanical movement to intellectual activity. And it turns out that the deficiency of vitamins and minerals leads to the fact that the enzymes become incapacitated. Cleaning systems are inactive. As a result, the processes of oxidation and slagging, which underlie almost all known diseases, are sharply intensified. And why? Because the body does not receive those substances that create protection against these destructive processes ... By filling the deficiency of these vital substances, you reliably protect yourself from a variety of diseases.
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